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Massaging various applications programs and their setups to work under DesqView
seems to take a bit of effort, but all the popular programs discussed by the
members eventually proved susceptible of adaptation. The particular programs
discussed are preceded by the "@*" symbols.
Fm: Steve Kalman 75136,360
Maybe I need a vacation...I *KNOW* I had this working before....
When I run db3 under DV and I write a screen with @SAY..@get I cannot clear the
screen using the dbase command CLEAR. If I subsequently issue some commands
from the dot prompt, they will be cleared via the clear command; and if they're
long lines, they'll overwrite the @say'ed stuff. As a test, I started with a
clear screen, then issued @10,10 say 'this is a test' then CLEAR ...NG, the
line was still there. WHen I went to the DV menu and switched to another
partition and back, it was gone (but other command line stuff was there).
This is actually a problem, because if I leave a menu up, then switch to
another area, then switch back, the menu is gone, but the cursor is still in
the input field!
Further testing reveals that DEVICE=ANSI.SYS in CONFIG.SYS has no effect.
My options (as revealed in Change Program) are all ON except for
Writes Directly to Screen
Runs only in Foreground
Runs from Floppy
I tried to change the first one and it got rid of the CLEAR problem, but then
every time db3 wrote to the screen in the BG, it showed up on the active FG
screen, and if I did a list in BG it would scroll the active FG screen right
I've also tried to change the startup command; is does not matter whether I use
d3-load.com or not.
And, as I said in the beginning, I *KNOW* I had it working before, but I cannot
figure which change fouled things up, or what to do to fix it.
Fm: Steve Kalman 75136,360
For those of you using dv and dbase III + I've found an inconsistency between
the old product and the new one. db3+ *REQUIRES* that the option "Writes
Directly to screen" be ON (selected). Failure to do so inevitably leads to the
The problem that this causes is that any screen output done by db3 will appear
no matter what window you're working in, which can be distracting. It is
possible to turn the screen off in db3, tho (set console off), but this removes
all "capture" of normal screen messages.
For "classic" background tasks (e.g., compute bound jobs, or long reports),
this might be OK, but for the type of job that displays a menu of smaller
reports that you want to select a subset of, then reprogramming is in order.
Fm: Ben Klausner 70340,374
To: Steve Kalman 75136,360 (X)
Doesn't DB3 include a .PIF file that would solve that? Also, I would think that
DV's DB3-LOAD.COM would create an appropriate setup. Don't use DB3 though, so
I'm just guessing.
Fm: Steve Kalman 75136,360
To: Ben Klausner 70340,374
The db3 PIF file does not work with db3 plus. Neither does the load.com help.
The message that I posted was after a lot of trial and error and a couple of
calls to Quarterdeck (GA Saxer was a big help, as usual).
Fm: Steve Kalman 75136,360
To: Paul Ferrara 70075,252 (X)
To make a long story short(er), I found that if I set Jump Scroll to Yes, then
the db3 clear command does not work, and that @say commands will write to the
screen, even if db3 is in the BG. However, when I set it to NO, then db3 is
well behaved.
One problem still exists, tho. When I write a menu with @say's and then switch
to another screen for a while, when I switch back the menu text is gone, but
the cursor is still on the @get answer field.
Fm: Michael Rothman 74405,1313
To: Howard A. Cohen 72416,710
A fast report on Word Perfect 4.1 running under DESQview 1.2... it works great
on my pc-at! In fact, its open now in a small window, as I write this using
ato to upload. I've got three windows open actually, a 465k dos window, this
window that is taking about 160k for ato, and a word perfect window weighing in
at 200k. As you can tell, i'm doing all this with a rampage-at board in the
at. Questions?
Fm: Jim Butler 74766,1460
Has anyone successfully loaded Thinktank in a DV window? It takes up ALL my
expanded memory ... As the first program, nothing else will load. If I load
the Memory Size program first, it shows that TT is taking up almost 3.5 megs
of expanded on the Rampage AT! No wonder when it is loaded near the end of the
windows, the insufficient windows show.
I am not experienced with TT, but I saw no "switch" in the manual to limit the
memory taken up by the program. Any ideas?
Fm: Michael Rothman 74405,1313
To: Jim Butler 74766,1460
There is something I don't understand here. I have thinktank ver 2.0
(unprotected) and have it loaded right now under DESQview. The other programs
currently running are Window1:turbo lightning plus ato412c; Window2: pc-host;
Window3: Thinktank 2.0. All seems to be working just fine.
Thinktank does not, so far as I know, access any extended or expanded memory.
Could you be thinking of Ready! If so, I'm still puzzled, because, as a test,
I've just also loaded Ready! in Window4, and all went smoothly. The Ready!
I've loaded is 1.0c and it loads under dv as if it is loading into standard
memory, although in this case it is actually in expanded memory thanks to DV.
All in all, I can't see where the problem may be, but all is working as I would
hope on this system.
Fm: Jim Butler 74766,1460
To: Michael Rothman 74405,1313
There must be multiple versions of Think Tank then, because the "new"
unprotected version sent out just a week ago gobbles up all available memory
under Desqview. For some reason, the DV window size does *not* limit it. If
loaded first, all other programs are unable to load. The MS screen shows 0
memory available! If loaded last, the other programs are ok, but TT stills
takes the memory down to 0. This seems a little rude, don't you think? The
documentation said nothing about using expanded or extended memory, and the
program file is dated August 1985 sometime ...
Fm: Michael Rothman 74405,1313
To: Jim Butler 74766,1460 (X)
On the problem of the new unprotected version of ThinkTank rudely taking all
available high memory when loaded under DV... yes, that would be a bummer!
There you have two of my favorite programs not getting along... something will
have to be done.
The old version 2.0 of ThinkTank, protected but busted, works fine in DV. Are
there other reasons to switch to the new version? What is the version number
of the new version, and do we know what the differences are between it and 2.0?
As I recall a comment from Dave Winer, the major difference is the elimination
of the copy protection.
Fm: Gary Saxer (Quarterdeck) 73206,564
To: Earle Robinson 70135,141
Ready! seems to work just fine in a DV window.
Fm: Steve Kalman 75136,360
To: Dave Winer 76244,120 (X)
Do you know if Ready will (or won't) work under DV? I'm one of those people
who develops projects via Outlining (I use FW II, mostly), but I cannot get it
to work well under DV so I'm considering a switch to Ready (besides, Paul
Ferrara won't leave me alone until I switch!). If it works, I'll buy it
(actually, several, once I get it working under DV on the net, I'll wnat to
distribute it to about 6 players, possibly more).
Fm: Dave Winer (LVT) 76244,120
To: Steve Kalman 75136,360 (X)
Yes, Ready! works with Desqview - this is how you do it: create a partition for
Ready, and from its DOS command prompt, type READY (return). Then press ctrl-5
to activate Ready!. From then on, use DV's context-switching commands to
activate R!, don't use ctrl-5 to activate and deactivate. It has been tested
by both companies (us and Quarterdeck) and it works.
@* LOTUS 1-2-3
Fm: Gary Saxer (Quarterdeck) 73206,564
To: doug carson 76044,2627 (X)
I'm sorry I missed your original message. Let me tell you what I know. You
can both store data in expanded memory as well as run programs in it with
DESQview and the AST RAMpage card. You can even run several copies of 1-2-3
each of which uses expanded memory, and still be able to switch between them
(and others) instantly. Please note that even version 1A can run in expanded
memory in DESQview. Please leave an EASY message for me if you need more